1600 C Clear Lake City Blvd. Houston, TX 77062


Posted July 13, 2024 / Blog, Patient Care
Meghna Dassani, DMD

Could the HPV Vaccine Decrease My Child’s Risk of Oral Cancer?

At Dassani Dentistry, our bad news is usually limited to the diagnosis of a dental infection we can treat without much difficulty. We’d like to keep it that way, which is why we may broach more sensitive subjects at times—specifically around the ages of 11 and 12, when doctors might recommend a Human Papillomavirus (HPV) […]

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Posted June 13, 2024 / Blog, Patient Care
Meghna Dassani, DMD

Could Brushing & Flossing Prevent a Heart Attack?

A lot of healthy lifestyle choices benefit more than one system within your body. Eating well, exercising, good sleep, and fresh air all support a lot of your physical needs. So, it shouldn’t be surprising that what hurts one area of your health can easily hurt another area, too. An important (though less known) connection […]

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Posted April 13, 2024 / Blog, Patient Care
Meghna Dassani, DMD

Oral Health & Alzheimer’s

Did you know that unhealthy gums might put your brain at risk?  Alzheimer’s is a form of dementia, which harms your memory, ability to think, and can cause changes in your personality. It’s very common and usually affects people aged 60 and over. And, Alzheimer’s might be significantly more likely to happen if your mouth […]

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Posted February 27, 2024 / Blog, Patient Care
Meghna Dassani, DMD

Keep Lipstick Off Your Teeth with These Handy Tips

You work with Dassani Dentistry to achieve your most beautiful smile, but if you also add makeup to enhance your appearance, you may have had the problem of drifting lipstick. At one time or another, we’ve all talked to someone with lipstick on their teeth and faced that awkward question: “How do I let them […]

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Posted January 27, 2024 / Blog, Patient Care
Meghna Dassani, DMD

Dental Insurance Trends

Above any other medical need, people are more likely to skip seeing the dentist because they can’t afford it. Many people choose not to buy dental insurance because it’s an added cost without a lot of perceived value. For some reason, people simply feel more comfortable taking this risk because they don’t fully understand the […]

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Posted January 13, 2024 / Blog, Patient Care
Meghna Dassani, DMD

Toothbrush Timers Can Make Brushing Fun for Kids!

Many parents wonder how to get—and keep—their kids interested in brushing their teeth. A wall chart with stickers may be enough, but some kids get bored more easily than others (especially in today’s digital age).  While you may wish at times that your kids didn’t spend so much time online, technology does offer some positives […]

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Posted December 27, 2023 / Blog, Patient Care
Meghna Dassani, DMD

Is it Time to Toss that Toothbrush?

When you find a toothbrush that’s just right for you, it can be easy to get attached. After all, you use your toothbrush morning and night (ideally) to prevent plaque and bacteria from hardening and becoming tartar—that’s what we like to call quality time!  When your toothbrush does so much good, you want to return […]

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Posted December 13, 2023 / Blog, Dental Health, Patient Care
Meghna Dassani, DMD

Bad Breath: When Morning Breath Becomes Halitosis

It’s often said that a true friend will tell you if you have bad breath. Bad breath, formally known as halitosis, is embarrassing and can hold you back from truly enjoying your life and social situations. Like a good friend, Dassani Dentistry in Houston will tell it to you straight. Read more below to determine […]

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Posted November 13, 2023 / Blog, Dental Health, Patient Care
Meghna Dassani, DMD

Should I Be Screening Myself for Oral Cancer?

In a word: Ab-so-lute-ly! Pretend those hyphens are the “clapping hands” emoji, because we want to emphasize how important it is to get up close and personal with your mouth in the interests of oral cancer detection.  Currently, oral cancer kills one person in the United States per hour. The reason it’s so deadly is […]

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Posted October 27, 2023 / Blog, Dental Technology, Patient Care
Meghna Dassani, DMD

Is Fluoride Safe for Kids?

At Dassani Dentistry, we know that Houston parents work hard to prioritize their child’s health and happiness—you can count on us to do the same! The smiles of your children are a contagious expression of delight, and our role as their oral healthcare provider is to protect those precious pearly whites.  That’s why we fill […]

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