1600 C Clear Lake City Blvd. Houston, TX 77062


Posted January 13, 2015 / Blog, Dental Health
Meghna Dassani, DMD

5 Reasons to Treat Your Gum Disease

You might not even know it, but you probably have gum disease. 3 out of 4 people do! But, the good news is that it is easily treatable, especially when caught in its early stages. Dassani Dentistry can help you get a happy, healthy mouth with simple treatments such as frequent cleanings and antibiotics. You might […]

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Posted December 27, 2014 / Blog, Dental News, Dental Services
Meghna Dassani, DMD

Have a broken or loose tooth? We can help!

Have you or any of your family members injured a tooth these past few months? Maybe you got a little overzealous with some corn on the cob, maybe your daughter tripped during a game of tag and chipped her tooth, or maybe your mother chipped her tooth on a walnut, we can help fix these […]

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Posted December 13, 2014 / Blog, Dental News, Patient Care
Meghna Dassani, DMD

Protect Mom’s Teeth to Prevent Cavities in Baby Teeth

Expectant and new mothers in this day and age have a lot to think about. There are plenty of commonly known substances, practices, infections, and conditions that can adversely affect the health of your baby, but we’d like to tell you about the lesser known dangers to your baby. Dr. Meghna Dassani wants you to know […]

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Posted November 27, 2014 / Blog, Dental News
Meghna Dassani, DMD

Fight Gingivitis at Home! 3 Reasons to Floss Every Day

Everybody knows that they should floss every day. But it just doesn’t always happen that way, does it? We know that flossing is harder than brushing for a number of reasons, but we also know how important it is to your oral health. Dr. Meghna Dassani wants all of our patients to floss every day, and […]

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Posted November 13, 2014 / Blog, Dental News
Meghna Dassani, DMD

Red vs. White Wine – Teeth Whitening Assassins!

A Bottle of Red or a Bottle of White? According to Billy Joel, “it all depends on your appetite.” If you are enjoying a juicy steak, a bottle of pinot noir or cabernet might be just the ticket. On the other hand, you should probably reach for a sauvignon blanc if you’ve got a plate […]

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Posted October 27, 2014 / Blog, Dental News
Meghna Dassani, DMD

What Causes Sensitive Teeth? Acid Erosion Explained!

Sugar is not the only thing that can harm your teeth. In fact, there are plenty of other substances that slowly chip away at our smiles. One of the biggest offenders is acid. Maybe you have heard of acid erosion, but just in case you haven’t, Dr. Meghna Dassani wants all Houston residents to have the facts […]

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Posted October 13, 2014 / Blog, Dental News
Meghna Dassani, DMD

Invisalign Teen®

It’s no secret that Houston teens care about their looks, so it’s not hard to understand why they probably don’t want to get braces to correct their alignment issues. Thankfully, Invisalign Teen offers a convenient alternative that delivers great results. Dr. Meghna Dassani is specially trained and certified to provide Invisalign® Teen care, so your child can […]

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Posted September 27, 2014 / Blog, Dental News
Meghna Dassani, DMD

Healthy Eating: 5 Foods, Great for Dental Health!

Keeping your teeth and gums healthy can be tricky, and Dr. Meghna Dassani wants to help Houston residents get their mouths in tip-top shape. Here are five foods you can add to your healthy eating diet that can improve your dental health and may even help you avoid costly procedures such as implants, fillings, and more. 1) […]

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Posted September 13, 2014 / Blog, Dental News
Meghna Dassani, DMD

Skin Cancer Protection: Don’t Forget Your Lips!

We know that our patients are smart and you all lather yourself and your loved ones in sunscreen anytime you go outside in the Houston sun. You wear your sunglasses, and maybe even a wide-brimmed hat. But do you protect your lips? Your lips are very sensitive parts of your skin, and you can get skin […]

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Posted August 27, 2014 / Blog, Dental News
Meghna Dassani, DMD

Teeth Whitening in Houston – How To Protect Your Smile

It’s easy to protect yourself from things you know will stain your teeth, but what about those mysterious offenders you didn’t even know are turning your pearly whites into dull yellows? It is not uncommon for Houston residents to have stained teeth, but we at Dassani Dentistry are going to give you the information on teeth […]

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